Working to improve one does not necessarily increase the other – at least sustainably.
Business has gone through unprecedented change over the last couple of centuries. HR practices have not.
It can be SO challenging to translate the different ‘languages’ of traditional assessments, activities, and development outcomes into every task, every relationship, and every moment of every day to improve performance (not to mention company-wide engagement).
…Risking up to 30% of your productivity and
more than 80% of your company-wide employee engagement.
If you are here:
Business drives people practices. If you have it at all, HR uses separate tools/activities for every outcome, making translation moment-to-moment difficult.
You use fixed models of culture, leadership, wellness, etc, with an ideal in mind that your people must aspire to become before they may achieve the promised success.
Your strategic priorities are mainly prescribed to your people by your leaders and/or via change programs, risking continued engagement over time.
You have increased your need for engagement surveys and activities but not your scores or ability to measure their impact on performance.
Your HR outcomes do not consider the impact of rising pressure on your people and their performance precisely enough to mitigate stress.
Authentum can get you there…
People’s strengths drive business. Your BASIS© models link the strengths of your people directly to your performance needs and activities/tools used in HR.
Dynamic translation of your BASIS© models inspires unique paths for individuals and teams to achieve better performance now and predicts future directions to move you toward your ideal models of success.
As described in your models, your employees’ strengths predict transitions and working practices for strategic business priorities without sacrificing engagement.
Performance needs are aligned with employees’ authentic strengths, linking increasing productivity and sustainable engagement in every activity at work.
BASIS© models rank working preferences to reflect how rising pressure will likely impact performance and to predict paths to mitigate stress.
Schedule a current state/future state review
to learn how BASIS© can serve the needs
of your business and your people…
…even within the context of
your existing projects and priorities –
for more profound, more sustainable outcomes.